Kuwait Airport Lod 300 to 500 Roof Moddelling

Project scope is BIM modelling and placing Kingspan products via dynamo and creating quantities and technical application drawings. Model upgraded from LOD300 to LOD500.

First step was LOD 400-1 which graphically represented within the model as a specific system, object or assembly in terms of size, shape, location, quantity, and orientation with detailing, fabrication, assembly, and installation information. Next step was LOD 400-2 includes 2D workshop drawings generated form model LOD 400-1, section and details of all construction assemblies, manufactured or fabricated items, indicate proper relation to adjoining work. Final step LOD 500 where the model element is graphically incorporating all the variations/changes/deviations to the contract drawings.

Project Details

Project Kuwait International Airport Lod
400-500 As Built Roof Moddelling

Volume 708,000 m²
