De Geus Leiden

De Geus combines a variety of amenities such as a cinema, conference center, food service, a Jumbo city store, thousands of bike parking, and a great living space. The project is located in the Leiden station area, which provides the perfect location for this unique concept.

The development of De Geus involved the demolition of existing buildings and the construction of a parking basement, commercial spaces, and cinemas on the ground floor to the 3rd floor, as well as apartments on the 4th to 19th floors. The project includes 8 cinema rooms, 96 apartments, and a total area of 17,000 m².

As part of the project, our team was responsible for the electrical installation modeling. This included the 3D installation of cable trays, lighting, power, data, security, access control, cameras, and fire alarm systems.

Project Details

Project: De Geus Leiden

Volume: 17,000 m²
